Gun safety courses Ma are designed to improve gun safety not only in the state but across the country. Taking the course is a requirement for anyone who wishes to apply for the gun license. All in all, even after you qualify for the license, it is good to note that you can quickly lose it if you abuse the conditions given. It is for this reason that you need to be very careful when using your firearm. Here are a few rules you need to follow when transporting firearms in your vehicle.
So long as you have your gun license Ma, you can transport a loaded or an unloaded handgun on your person or in your car. This is provided the firearm is in your direct control. If the gun is not under your control or if you leave it unattended, you must ensure it is unloaded and put away in a locked case, locked trunk or any secured container.
Large-capacity rifles and shotguns
When it comes to the large capacity firearms, even your LTC Ma will not allow you to transport them while they are loaded. These firearms must be transported unloaded and in a locked case, locked trunk or any secured container. The use of trigger locks will not exempt you. They don’t meet the legal requirements. If left unattended, the large-capacity rifles or shotguns must be unloaded and locked in a secure container.
Non-large capacity rifles and shotguns
With these firearms, even the holders of FID card Massachusetts catch a break. They can be transported under the LTC or FID license. However, the firearms must be unloaded but not necessarily kept in a locked case. The case is the same with the Muzzle-loading or Black Powder arms. They have to be unloaded when being transported.
The above points are what you must never forget when transporting your firearm. More topics on transporting firearms are covered in the Massachusetts gun safety course. There is no harm in retaking the course. In addition to that, there is no harm in exercising a little more caution when transporting firearms. Your firearm doesn’t need to be a handgun in order for you to transport it in a locked container. Placing them in locked containers adds safety.
It is okay to carry a loaded or unloaded rifle or shotgun upon or across public way if you are engaged in hunting and hold a valid hunting license. Provided you are hunting, you are not required to have a trigger lock on your firearm.