Gun license Ma is issued to anyone who wishes to carry a concealed weapon. However, having this license doesn’t mean that you will have it indefinitely. There are a couple of situations that can cause you to lose you license, may it be an LTC or an FID card Massachusetts. In this post, we will be taking a look at the main things that can cost you your license.
Careless handling
A gun is a very lethal weapon. This is why it is very easy for you to lose your LTC Ma if you simply mishandle your gun. For example, if your gun falls out of the holster or pocket in front of strangers, you can lose your license. This is regardless of whether you are in a bar or in a shopping mall. Yours is a concealed weapon and it shouldn’t be seen by strangers.
Carrying while drunk
Another situation that can cost you your gun license Ma is where you are carrying your firearm while drunk. As you may have learnt in the gun safety courses Ma, a firearm license will not be issued to someone with a mental problem. Being drank means you are not in your right mental state. If arrested, you will lose your license. This is especially so if you are drunk and get into a fight.
Carrying the gun through the metal detector at an airport
Unless you are a law enforcement agent, you are not allowed to carry a gun on a plane. The easiest way to lose your license is hence to try and carry your handgun through the metal detector at the airport. The case is the same if you try and carry your gun past the metal detector at a courthouse.
Being convicted of a crime
During the application for a gun license, your criminal record will be considered. If the chief of police concludes that your criminal record is grim, you will not qualify for the license. After you get your license and are convicted of a crime, you will lose your gun license. The same goes for the holders of the FID card Ma.
Change in mental state
It is also good to note that your mental state is considered before you are given the right to own a firearm. If you become an addict or lose your sanity, you will lose your license.
There are many more situations that might cause you to lose your gun. Most of these situations will be covered while taking the gun safety courses Newton.