Gun License Ma – What You Should Know About Applying for a Gun License Ma

Gun license Ma will help you buy, possess and carry a concealed firearm. The license is required by law for anyone who wishes to purchase or possess a large capacity shotgun, handgun or rifle. Every resident of Massachusetts can apply for this license. However, before you get started, there are a couple of things you need to understand about applying for the FID or LTC Ma.

Gun safety courses must be completed
The first thing that needs to be done by every applicant is to complete the gun safety courses Ma. During the application for a license, you will be required to present a copy of your gun safety certificate. Failure to do so will lead to automatic disqualification. The best thing is that these courses will not take up a lot of your time. You can either pick a recognized Massachusetts gun safety course offered by a private company or one by the police department. The courses will enlighten you on the gun laws, teach you more about firearms and help you gain more confidence handling firearms. The gun safety certificate is issued upon the successful completion of the gun safety courses Newton.

There is a fee
Applying for an LTC or FID card Massachusetts is not free. There is an application fee that is required. The fee is usually a non-refundable $100. Your local police department will help you know how you should pay the fee.

The forms have to be submitted in person
Another important point you have to understand about applying for a gun license is that the application forms have to be submitted by the applicant. You cannot send someone to submit the forms for you. The reason this is the case is because during the submission of the forms, additional information may be required from you. You may be required to take an interview. Second, your fingerprints will be taken. This is done for the purposes of background checks. Make sure you have more time to spare when submitting the forms.

Not everyone qualifies
Although the LTC and FID card Ma are issued to residents of Massachusetts, not everyone who applies for the license qualifies. There are certain requirements that an applicant has to satisfy. For example, if you are applying for the FID card Massachusetts, you have to be over the age of 15 and below the age of 21. The LTC is issued to persons over the age of 21. Other things that are considered are your criminal records and mental state. Make sure you satisfy all the requirements before submitting your application.

The license is valid for 6 years
Last but not least, it is important to note that the gun license Ma is valid for 6 years. When renewing the license, you don’t need to retake the Massachusetts gun safety course.

Gun license Ma