Gun License Ma – Answers to 3 Frequently Asked Questions about Applying for a Gun License Ma

Gun license Ma is issued to every law abiding resident of Massachusetts. The license is required for you to be able to purchase a large capacity handgun, rifle or shotgun legally. It is also a requirement if you wish to own a concealed weapon for self-defense. All in all, you need to understand that not everyone who makes an application for an LTC Ma ends up getting one. In this post, we shall be focusing on the key questions people ask when applying for an FID or LTC in Massachusetts.

How do you apply for a firearm license?
The process of applying for a gun license is somewhat straightforward. The applicant is first required to complete a recognized Massachusetts gun safety course. The courses are offered by both police departments and private companies. After receiving the certificate for the completion of the course, you need to get the application forms. You can get them from your local police department. The forms have to be filled accurately. You need to understand that you will be under oath when filling the forms. Specify whether you are applying for a new license or renewing one and also indicate if you need an LTC or an FID card Massachusetts.

The forms should then be submitted in person to the local police department. An application fee of $100 is required. Make sure that you attach a copy of the certificate you received after completing the gun safety courses Ma. This is required for first time applicants. For a renewal, you don’t need to retake the course. You are, however, required to provide the license number of your current license.

What are the standards for issuance?
Not everyone who submits the application for an LTC or FID card Ma ends up getting the license. There are several things that are considered. To start with, the applicant must have completed a recognized gun safety courses Newton. Second, your criminal record should be good. You must not have been convicted of a crime punishable by a prison time of more than 2 years. You should also not have been confined in an institution for mental health issues. Applicants for the FID card must be over the age of 15 and under the age of 21. For persons applying for the LTC Ma, they have to be over the age of 21. An applicant must also not be subject to outstanding arrest warrants in any federal jurisdiction.

What is the validity of the license?
Upon receiving the gun license Ma, it is important to note that it is only valid for 6 years. This means you will have to renew your license before it expires. As aforementioned, you don’t have to retake the Massachusetts gun safety course when applying for a renewal.

A lot goes on in the application for a gun license. If you have any more questions, you should head to the local police department. They will answer all the questions you may have including how to pay the application fee.

Gun license Ma