LTC Ma – How to Increase Your Chances of Getting an LTC Ma

LTC Ma is awarded to anyone who is interested in buying or carrying a large capacity shotgun, rifle or handgun. You will be required to provide your license when planning on purchasing these firearms. Even so, it is good to note that not everyone who submits an application for the license ends up getting one. There are so many things that are considered and the final decision on whether to issue or deny the gun license Ma rests with the chief of police. In this post, we will be focusing on the main things you should do to increase your chances of getting a gun license.

Take recognized gun safety courses
The first step is the most obvious one. You need to complete a recognized Massachusetts gun safety course. These courses are offered by both private companies and police departments. The rule of thumb is to make sure that you complete the gun safety courses Newton from recognized providers. You will be issued with a certificate which you will have to attach to your application for the LTC or FID card Massachusetts.

Consult an attorney
Have you ever been convicted of any crime? If you have, it is important that you consult with your attorney before submitting an application for the gun license Ma. There are certain crimes that will keep you from qualifying for the license to carry. They include crimes that are punishable by a prison time of more than 2 years. If you have ever been involved in domestic violence or the illegal sale or distribution of firearm, your chances of qualifying for the gun license will also be slim. Your attorney will help review your options.

Get an affidavit from your doctor if need be
Another thing you will need to do is to talk to your doctor if you have ever been committed in an institution for any mental problem. This includes addiction to drugs or alcoholism. The law of Massachusetts clearly states that no one with any mental disorder can be awarded with either an LTC or FID card Ma. If the condition no longer applies, you need to get a signed affidavit from your doctor. Again you will have to involve your attorney here.

Submit the forms in person
The application forms for the gun license have to be submitted by the applicant. This is because additional questions may be asked and your fingerprints will be taken. If you are not available for this, you might fail to get a gun license.

Don’t lie in the application
Last but not least, you must give correct details. You are filling the application form under oath. Don’t lie. You can be prosecuted for giving false information in your application.

These are the main things you need to do when applying for a gun license. You should also make sure that you take the right gun safety courses Ma. An unrecognized gun safety course will cause you not to get the license.